b'due to the unexpected whale mplement an external technical Iactivity, Kosmos decided not toreview process for all future conduct seismic activities over theseismic EIAs, andpart of the planned survey areaEngage, where possible, localwhere whales appeared to be mostNGOs and subject matter active. experts to capture as much As a result of this experience,region-specific and unpublished Kosmos plans to: information as possible and Engage MMOs early in the seismicincorporate this into the EIAplanning process to considerbaseline.possible scenarios and pre- Kosmos is currently evaluating determine adaptive mitigationand interpreting the seismic data prior to the start of operationsto determine potential locations for future exploration drilling. Revise EIA methodology toSOCIAL INVESTMENTaccount for the absence ofWe intend to test a prospect information, as gaps in data arein Block S in the second half ofKosmos began implementing a common, incorporating where2019. If successful, we expect tosocial investment program in 2018. possible relevant informationconduct an accelerated tie-backWhile we grew familiarity and about sensitive species fromdevelopment to the Ceiba FPSO. understanding of the local context, adjacent countries our strategy was to continue Hess Corporations social investment programs largely focused on education and health. The largest social investment project, the Program for Educational Development of Equatorial Guinea (PRODEGE), established by the government of Equatorial Guinea and Hess Corporation, is now a public-private partnership among Kosmos, Trident and the government.During PRODEGEs first five years, the program trained two thirds of the countrys primary teachers in instructional skills, established model primary schools, modernized the education information system, and strengthened the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Education and Science. In total more than $100 million will have been invested in education through the PRODEGE program from its inception in 2006 through 2019.In the second half of 2019, PRODEGE will transition to full government ownership, to be run by a new, independent government agency responsible for ensuring Primary school children across Equatorial Guinea benefit from the training provided to teachers asthe programs sustainability and part of the Program for Educational Development of Equatorial Guinea (PRODEGE).24'