b'CIVIL SOCIETY countries and communities where We will engage with and listenwe work create mutual value and are central to our success.WE AIM TO PROVIDE to civil society, recognizing the role civil society plays in holdingKosmos also engages in publicA STIMULATING AND governments and companiespolicy discussions occurringREWARDING WORK accountable. We are always openglobally on energy and corporateENVIRONMENT THROUGH A to having meaningful dialogue withresponsibility. Kosmos has beenCULTURE THAT PROMOTES civil society about the challengesa formal supporter of the United inherent in exploring for oil and gas.Nations Global Compact sinceENTREPRENEURIAL THINKING, Sometimes we will disagree, but we2013. The UN Global Compact is aFACILITATES TEAMWORK, believe listening and engaging involuntary initiative for businessesAND EMBRACES ETHICAL debate deepens our understandingthat are committed to aligning of the issues. We seek non- their operations and strategies withBEHAVIOR. governmental organizationsuniversal principles in the areas of (NGOs) as valued partners in ourhuman rights, labor, environment, social investment programs. Ourand anti-corruption, and take relationships with civil society in theactions that advance societal goals.We seek to maximize the amount of goods, services, and employment that we source locally. Our local content approach aims to enable people to access jobs, and to enable businesses to access supply chain opportunities through Kosmos.9'